MicroFinish I Epoxy (Part A & B)

MicroFinish I Epoxy Sealer is a two-pack, water-borne epoxy coating with excellent film properties and surface hardness. It is a self-priming and environmentally friendly coating system, ideal as a MicroStone coating due to its outstanding adhesion and chemical resistance. MicroFinish I Epoxy Sealer is durable, low in VOC, and resistant to chemicals, solvents, and salt spray.

It can be easily brushed or rolled, offers excellent surface hardness and water resistance, and may be applied in temperatures as low as 8°C. When over coated by MicroFinish II Polyurethane Sealer it is perfect for wet areas, hardwearing areas, commercial spaces, and seamless flooring.

Product Information

Bring MicroStone to Life with Our Sealer Range

To get the most from your MicroStone finish – we’ve designed a range of sealers to protect and beautify the elegance of MicroStone. Each colour example above shows:

  1. MicroFinish III Penetrating Sealer + MicroFinish IV Hydrophobic Sealer
  2. MicroFinish III Penetrating Sealer + MicroFinish II Polyurethane
  3. MicroFinish I Epoxy + MicroFinish II Polyurethane

To understand which system is right for your application, please contact us for a specification or visit the product page.